Friday, February 14, 2014


Its all like that wretched movie Ground Hog day. The same frustrating scene repeats it self over and over again.
Monday dawned like this.
After about three hours of work I managed to clear the driveway and the day turned sunny and cold. Most of the week was bitter cold. Then on Thursday it starts all over again.
9:00 am Thursday
10:00 am
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm (shot with camera set at 800 ASA)
7:00 am Friday

10:00 am 3 hours of work and one snow blower shear pin later drive way is clear of the heavy soppy stuff. Some time during the night we got rain which froze on top of the snow but added considerable weight to it all.The machine could barely cope with it and kept clogging up.
The maple tree in the driveway coated in ice. I still have an other 2 hours of work to clear the roof and the path around the house. It is all sort of like beating your head on the wall so that when you stop it feels good.


  1. Has probado usar el turbocalefactor para abrir canales en la nieve, o a lmenos para aflojarla y alivianar el trabajo del snow blower?

    1. Turbocalefactor??? where do I get one of them????

  2. Yo no se si podría vivir allí Michael, vaya trabajo, cada vez que nieva

    1. Es agobiante, como una de esas pesadillas donde tratas de correr pero no puedes.

  3. This has NOT been a pleasant winter!

    1. You can say that again. It has been down right brutal.

  4. Pah! A light dusting! Still, you'll live longer with all that exercise!

    1. If it doesn't kill me first. Its a close call on whether my shoulders will pull out of their sockets from fighting with the blasted snow blower first though. When it all finally ends the some time in May and everything floods from the snow melt, then the mosquitoes hatch. They are the size of humming birds. There is a reason Mainers retire to Florida.

    2. Because Mainers like alligators, venomous snakes and insects, learning Spanish so they can buy petrol and groceries, sunburn, sand flies, English tourists, crowded beaches, kitsch, Cuba Libres, hurricanes, getting mugged and are already used to mosquitoes?

    3. Right , and all a dam sight easier than dealing with 25 C below zero and 12 inches of snow every other day . . . . . and then having some bobble head on the 6 pm alphabet soup news on the tube tell you its all cause of the global warming you are causing with your SUV . . . . . Right after the report on the Philippine and Icelandic volcanoes that pumped more Co2s, PCBs, CFCs than man has made since he climbed out of the trees ;-) Never mind me , its just a bad case of cabin fever ! ! !

    4. PS . I just got done clearing out Sat night's 4 inches . . . . licking my wounds and medicating myself with a beer and 500 milligrams of Ibuprofen.
