Monday, January 5, 2015

Winter blahs

While I was finishing the living room just before Christmas, Annie came down with the flu and was down for the better part 7 days. Luckily she had planed some time off during Christmas. Just as she started to feel better I came down with the same bug and had four solid days of 103 F fever. Christmas was a non event. Even the pork roast I made did not come out so good. Ten days after the fact I am still hacking and coughing my brains out as usual. Doing my best to sleep it off and ignore the world outside. So There is really nothing new and interesting to report.
Saturday night we got hit with some weather
Even the doves did not seem all that happy
Tossed some seed out for them and it was gone in no time flat
After a couple of hours cleaning the mess outside I put some more seed out for them and it was gone in a flash.


  1. I used to love feeding the birds, but I live in the country and the numbers of birds got crazy big, to where I decided I couldn't afford it the following year. I never went back to doing it, but I miss it.

    1. Yes it can get expensive. I buy the generic stuff from Ace hardware at about 8 $ a 25lb bag and make it last a couple of months. But they seem to go trough it faster in winter. They've learned where to find food when the snow covers the ground.

  2. Sorry to hear about your sickness, hope you all had a Merry Christmas and hope 2015 is better to ya.

    1. Its inevitable, every year it gets me and it takes me over a month to fully recover. Brutal stuff this time around. The only good thing is I lost about 8 lbs. Now if I can juts get rid of this dang cough.

  3. The temperature dropped so far here we actually turned the aircon off.

    Get well soon!

    1. Lucky you, the Rinai heater has been going "full-tilt-boogie" for the last 60 days here. Temps here hit 15 C below zero this morning. Wind finally stopped howling at 45 mph smashing ice from the trees on to the house windows. Rhododendron bush leaves are curled up tighter than cigarettes from the cold.

  4. Sorry to hear you have had the flu in the family. It's been bad down here as well. Looks cold there. We are expecting single digit weather starting tomorrow.

    1. Yes, Harry its been cold here, hoovering right around zero F right now (10:30 pm) and expecting lower Wed and Thurs.

  5. I hope you and your wife are ok now. I read more then one time your frevious post and admiering your house. My son came especially from Finland to make some exam in Jerusalem but becouse of 1cm of snow the roads are close and half country is paralized.

    1. Hi Yael, Yes we are both feeling a bit better now. Even my cough is down to once very half hour or so. Not much stops traffic here. We can have 30 or 40 cm of snow in one storm and people still are driving around. Also lots of people have four wheel drive cars here so they feel invincible. The big bother is cleaning all that mess up afterwards. It takes me two to three hours to clean the driveway, deck, patio and roof each time it snows. I have to remove the snow from the roof as it can get too heavy. We usually get over two meters of snow in one winter here.
