Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tractor fun

Got dad's new stand-by generator in place today.

I had poured the cement pad for it a couple of weeks ago. But due to the recent rains we held off placing the generator until the ground dried up a bit.

Don't know how we would have done the job without the tractor.


  1. I miss having a tractor, but I really don't need one, except for rare occasions.

    1. This one does not see a lot of hard work but it does get used a bit during fire wood cutting season, though I am sure nowhere near as much as when it was new.

  2. Yep! Tractors are useful for more than just attracting pretty scantily clad tractor girls. At least every once in a while.

    1. Yes this one came in handy today. Its fairly worn out. Don't know that this one ever attracted any scantly clad girls. It's only wrinkly old geezers that pay it any attention these days.

  3. Hey Mike, always good to have a backup. I like that old tractor. I've often thought of getting one to make work at my remote cabin a bit easier.

    1. Yea dad bought that a few years ago after he sold a 23 foot sailboat he built. Probably a bit much for most of his needs on three acres of land but it gets the job done.

  4. Makes things so much easier to have a tractor with a loader. I use mine all the time. Generator to be wired for the house on a change over is on the list to get sorted!

    1. Hi Kev, we are setting this one up as an automatic stand-by. It will be permanently wired to the main supply line in to the house and have an automatic switch-over set up, so it will start the machine automatically and switch to current from the generator if the mains go down.
