Thursday, December 24, 2015

Pearl Agrees . . .

Keep all the fuss to a bare minimum
A new catnip pillow and a nice crinkly Walmart bag to lay on are all she wants.
 There you go . . .  just so you don't say I'm a Grinch.


  1. That's a really pretty tree. I haven't had a Christmas tree in a long time although I enjoy them. Just seemed pointless to set one up for the two of us. The ferrets climb up in them and they come crashing down, ferrets and all, in the middle of the night. I like yours, looks old fashioned.

    1. Though it is just the two of us we do go though the rigmarole. Annie likes the fuss so we get a tree. I put up lights on the house just so the neighbors don't think badly of me. I tend to agree with Pearl.

  2. Like the tree. Ours is an old plastic one but it still does the job. Hope you enjoy your break over Christmas and have a good day.

    1. Yes, real trees are a bit of a fuss, but if you are going to go through all the trouble you might as well do it up right. Hope you are having a good one too.

  3. Replies
    1. And my best wishes to the M.O.H family and B&A Stowaway's too.

  4. MERRY CHRISTMAS, to you and your family. The tree looks great. Looks like Pearl is easy to please.
