Friday, August 2, 2024

Can't deport them ? . . . . then we gas them .


More evil critter carnage .


After I wrapped the bases of the fence posts in aluminum they simply went for the caps .

And as if that was not enough the bastards went for the PVC brick mold on the garage doors too .

So I borrowed mom's trap as my home made one was too small for much more than a chipmunks , but it seems gray number one managed to get himself caught .

Though its a better fit for reds . Number one is on his way .

As was red number two an hour later .

And chipmunk number nine .

Then I saw this around the back of the garage . Seems a woodchuck decided to make his new home under the slab .

So I cleared my junk out of the way , dug a trench and set my big trap so he had no choice but to go through it . But three days later still no joy . And then yesterday I found another spot further up where he had dug another hole under the slab .

So no more Mr nice guy. A couple glowing charcoal embers, an oily rag and my heat gun in a piece of duct to gas the bastard out .

All it got me was a melted heat gun . I pretty sure he was not home in either hole .

My big cage now available to continue with the deportations , gray number two goes for a ride today .

 I am fairly sure I know why Mr Woodchuck was digging under my garage . Seems the gay boys across the street decided to get rid off their old tool shed and he was looking for a new abode .


  1. I have heard that one way to deal with the critters under the slab is with dry ice. Put in the tunnel entries, as it evaporates the CO2 displaces the oxygen in the tunnels and they suffocate.

    1. I had not heard of that one before and it sounds like it might just work . Will need to remember that for future occasions . I was working with what I had readily on hand . We used to be able to buy smoke bombs made for the purpose . But it seems the powers that be , at least here in Maine , have once again chosen to protect us from ourselves and deemed them illegal a few years ago so they are unavailable . Alas , after my smoke treatment I stuck a broom stick in the holes , and it seems he was in neither one . The first one went in about four feet . The second one I suspect he dug after I set the trap on the first one , was only about two feet deep .

  2. I think the fox that moved into the neighborhood is keeping the tree rat population under control.

    1. A fox or two would be helpful around here . The last one I saw was about three months ago and was not looking too healthy . Crows were attacking him and he was behaving rather like he had rabies . He wondered down the middle of the street and disappeared before I could do much about it .

  3. My brother has an old WWII jeep, and a Boomer problem on his small forest land. Boomers are also called a Mountain Beaver, and destructive to small fir trees. So he just connected the exhaust pipe To a flex pipe on the jeep, Shoves it in the hole, and lets the jeep idle until it runs out of gas.
    seems to work fine.

    1. Yes that was my next idea. Fire up the mower and put a pipe on the exhaust going into the hole. I have since found a source for the critter smoke bombs. Been a while since I saw any of those around here.
