Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Velveeta Cheese America . . .

 Just outside my living room window . . .

. . . a Bernnie - Bro poser on his electric push bike in full virtue signaling theatrical costume . . .

You just know he has an unrestrained crush on Gretta Thunberg . 

(and I am trying my best to be polite here)

Hey at least we know he is fully vaxxed  . . .


  1. Well . . . you don't see that everyday. At least I don't.

    1. Well maybe not in the sticks over there in Berlin NH .. but over here in freak central they grow like weeds. I try my best to give them a wide berth.

  2. What did he do, stop to scratch his ass in front of your window to send you a message?
