Thursday, June 6, 2024

Cat Food

 Because marketing . . .

Exactly the same junk . Imported from Holland too. Embiggen to read fine print.

Pearl approves


  1. Same as dog food and surprisingly human food. If they would take out over half the crap they add and just sell us real, unadulterated food they would still make a profit and we and our pets would be healthier.

    1. At this point I am glad the cat eats it at all and at 50 cents a can, its quite reasonably priced. Next week she'll probably refuse it and screech till we feed her something else.

    2. I have a dog that is that way. I leave it until it rots almost and if she hasn't eaten it yet, too bad, I ain't playing that game. go hungry for a day and she eats a new package of Cesars the next night with gusto.
