Friday, June 28, 2024

Fly-in Fea-Market Score


Went over to a little Fly-in Flea-Market in Middleton NH a couple week ends ago and the host had a big spread of machine shop tooling  purportedly from the old Chance-Vought plant in Connecticut that used to build the Corsairs back in WW2 . 

No prices , just pick a handful for ten bucks sorta deal .

Some of it identifiable some of it absolutely foreign to my eyes .

Didn't need any of it but it was just too good a deal to pass up so I picked a handful .

A roll of  . 0200 safety wire .  A . 2488 thousands reamer. A fractional drill gauge and a two pound bag of stubby drill bits in assorted sizes all for ten dollars .

Oddest darn things too . Never seen anything like it . Top quality stuff , diamond sharp edges . But I've never seen the blunt end like that . Some kind of quick disconnect deal for a gang drill set up where multiple holes were all drilled at once in aircraft spars and skins . They are used tool room refurbished as all had brand new edges and fresh blueing on them . They work slick in my hand held drill too and the stubby bits are real nice for precise drilling as there is absolutely no wobble with them . Now I wish I'd have grabbed a couple more handfuls . 

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