Monday, March 3, 2025

Spotted at the local Mardens Discount parking lot




  1. Well, I will say that the wood seems to be very well done. Other than that, well .......

    1. Yea the front is in mint shape. I expect the tub was rusted out and beyond saving so he got creative with what he had at hand.

  2. Is he trying to turn it into an electric? Mount solar panels on the slope? If you re gonna cap it, have it at least cab high so you can use to put stuff in... I have to say he was influenced by the Tesla cyber wanna be truck.

    1. I did not have a chance to meet the owner to ask him about it, but I saw no evidence of it being anything other than the original engine in it. The sloped lid on the back helps keep snow off the thing and I'd imagine adds some help with aerodynamics. Not that it makes much difference on that box. The lid does appear to hinge at the top-front to allow full use of the bed.

    2. Hey Kevin, looking at the picture closer now you can see what look to be a small solar panel on the cab roof, and there is a stove pipe coming out of the deck lid on the top right side. I'd bet it is set up as a camper and that lid comes up with canvas sides to make a proper space.

  3. Replies
    1. Yea I thought it was pretty neat. Looked lie it was recently restored. Always liked those early narrow grille Wagoneers. Way back I knew a guy that had one and had put a monster Caterpillar diesel in it bit tires and had it painted caterpillar yellow.
