There . . . that should trigger a few window licking libtards .
So about a week ago I saw this around the back side of the garage . A new hole going under the slab . Seems we have a bumper crop of little shit-munks this year and they are digging new burrows wherever they feel like .
Not good as that location is a low spot that tends to flood and freeze in late winter with the likelihood of water now going under the slab and the resulting ice pushing up and busting the concrete .
I dug down about a foot and put some half inch wire mesh against the edge , covered it with soil and put some cinder blocks over it .
But it made no difference , they found a way around my obstacles .
Time to get serious then , and there was only one solution .
Looking at what Tractor Supply had for traps none was small enough and they were asking close to $50 for the smallest they had . Screw that . A half hour of tinkering with the available scraps in my garage produced this .
Just like the store bought only at zero cost .
Works slicker than snot too .
Number one found the sunflower seeds in the bottle cap irresistible and was caught within fifteen minutes .
So did number two .
As did number three .
. . . number four
. . . number five . . .
and number six , all caught within fifteen minutes of setting up the trap . Four of them just today .
Now isn't that a much more idyllic place to live than under my garage slab ?
And no one will care where you dig your burrows .
I am sure Mr Woodchuck from last July would be quite happy to have you as neighbors . No I did not pay for that trap either . Someone down the street put it out by the curb with a FREE sign . That one is worth a couple hundred dollars if you had to pay for it today .
Overall my home built shit-munk trap is a raging success .
That's five . . . six of them caught within two days .