Wednesday, January 19, 2022

And yet you wonder why we are doomed ?

 We got new neighbors across the street recently so now when I click to connect to my WI FI I see this .


Someone's fricking dryer and stove connected to the internet ?



Sunday, January 16, 2022

Feeding Welfare Bums Again

 Given that my efforts to provide improved housing for the Bluebirds was an exercise in futility and  it actually scared them away from their ledge , I splurged for a fifteen dollar bag of meal worms to see if I could make amends and they would come back .

And it seems this did meet with their approval .

For in short order two pairs of them were back . 

all is well with the world again

Even the Winter Wren got in on the action  .

Though this one seems to like the suet better than the meal-worms . 

Given that this is only the second time I have seen Bluebirds around here . . .

 I'd call that a success .

No gender identity issues in nature .

The females have a bit more gray on them than the males .

Titmouse got some too .

Then the Red Bellied Woodpecker spooked them all away .

The other one that' been hanging around here lately is the Peliated Woodpecker .

That sucker is huge , he has to be about sixteen inches from head to tail . Seems the Bluebirds are quite happy to bed down in the holes he makes in the maple tree in the front yard .

Here is the link straight to Oy-tube in case it don't play 


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Bluebirds ? ?

 Yesterday evening when I pulled in the driveway in the VW as it was getting dark I looked up to the right at the corner of the house and noticed a gray spot on the lower end of the freeze board where it meets the gable end soffit return .  Hmmmm ?  Do I have some rot going on there ?

 Jumped up on the basement dog-house to get a closer look , and as soon as I had my head level with cap on the return , a gray flutter flew past my face . Startled me a bit but I guess that why we call those returns " Bird Coops " .

 Could not figure out what kind of bird it was , so later I poked my head out the upstairs window and spotted one very cold looking female Bluebird bedded down on the lead flashing of the cap .  Given the pile of droppings it was evident it has been making it home for some time . Checked the other " bird coops " on the house and there were as much droppings there too . Annie mentioned she had seen a pair hanging around the front of the house lately . . .

. . .  so I checked the soffit return on the front foyer and sure enough there was the male of the pair .

Given that it was rather cold outside we were baffled as to how they were still hanging around here and had not headed south with the rest of their kind . That there is about eighteen below zero Celsius for yous confounded metric canukiestanians .

So this afternoon I cut some one-by wooden triangles , added a front fence and wrapped all sides with Reflectex bubble foil wrap . . .

. . . and filled them with wood shavings inside . Put three of these up . Book says Bluebirds do use birdhouses so we shall see if this meets their approval .