. . . that everything I do inevitably involves digging ditches and pain ?
Checking items off my to-get-done-before-winter list. . .
I sealed all the seams where the wall meets the slab in the Volvo shed with polyurethane caulking.
Mixed six bags of Concrete
and got on my knees to cause more pain and fill the forms
like so
Next day I pulled the 2 X 4 forms off and got this . . . yea not perfect but it will have to do .
I will attend to those gaps with some Waterplug later.
A coffer dam , that when I put the Volvo away in December I will complete , by adding a 2 X 4 bedded in caulking across the entrance .
And why , you ask , all this fuss ?
. . . cause the grade outside is higher than the garage slab and this is what winter does .
. . . when it rains this happens . . .
. . . and then it gets really cold and this happens , which causes several days more pain and toil.
And then this also happens along the south side for the garage .
So . . . after much cogitating I pulled the vinyl siding off the wall and dug a ditch .
Annie took pity on my sorry ass and dug a good bit too.
I pried that ten inch thick , five hundred pound concrete pad about eight inches away from the garage door . And then I found the 220 volt supply line from the house to the garage buried in the ground without a conduit . Yea I have found all sorts of real sketchy work on this house .
So , flipped the breaker in the main panel , I dug the wire out and disconnected it , bought some one inch PVC conduit . . . .
After saturating the bottom of the plywood sheathing on the wall several times over with a mix every bit of old polyurethane I had , I coated the joint where the plywood meets the slab with roofing tar .
After that dried for a couple days , I covered the joint with Bituthane . . . .
and built a form six inches out from the wall
Chucked a bunch of rocks in there to bulk things up and save on concrete .
. . . . aaaaaaand mixed six more bags of concrete . . .
and poured . . .
Next day when I pulled off the forms it looked like this .
. . . so I extended the form and mixed and poured three more bags to complete the curbing under the side door to the front of the garage .
Then debated what was best to fix the corner to the entry gate so I figured why not more concrete with some more of that fancy fiberglass rebar ?
yea sure . . I need a new wheel barrow too . . five bags later . . .
. . . I'm back on my knees hurting myself again . . .
. . . doing penance for my sins .
Twenty bags later, eighty lbs each , got me this far .
And I'm not done yet , I still need to extend the slab out from the doors a foot or so . And sort out the siding on the five inch gap on the garage wall .